Neutralene RG 30


Neutralene RG 30P is a new generation safety solvent for the cleaning of composites.  It is a solvent designed to replace Acetone, MEK, and aromatic solvents, and is guaranteed to be free of chlorinated, hazardous, harmful, irritating, or sensitising substances.

Acetone is extremely flammable, with a flash point of -18°C, it is a particularly dangerous solvent to use. In addition, fumes form explosive mixtures in the air.  With a vapor pressure of 27.4 kPa, acetone is very volatile, comparable to ether, and its application requires repeating several times to obtain effective cleaning. If acetone price appears to be economical, the quantities that need to be used are very significant, not to mention the unavoidable losses through evaporation.

Neutralene RG 30P has a controlled evaporation rate and reduces volume consumption compared to acetone, thinners, MEK etc. by a factor of about 5, so its use is very cost effective.

Neutralene RG 30P quickly dissolves:

  • Polyester resins
  • Epoxy resins
  • Gelcoat, including hybrids

Neutralene RG 30P is also an excellent substitute for aromatic blends (Toluene-Xylene)/ ketones (MIBK-MEK) used in the clean-up of solvent based paints without the chemical hazards.


Cleaning rollers, de-icers and application tools for the implementation of polyester resins and epoxies. NEUTRALENE RG 30P has an optimized evaporation rate allowing effective action even on highly reactive resins having a short TECAM gel time of a few minutes.

UPR Resins

  • Aliphatic Homopolymers PGA PLA PGL PCL PHA PHB
  • Aliphatic co-polyesters PEA PBS
  • Semi-aromatic co-polyesters FBT PTT PEN
  • Homo and aromatic co-polyesters Polyacrylates
  • Hybrid polyester polyesters–epoxies

EPOXY Resins 

  • Epichlorohydrin ECH
  • BPA Bisphenol
  • Aliphatic Glycol
  • Phenolic Novolacs
  • O-Cresols
  • Hydantoins (urea glycols)
  • Brominates, acrylates

EPOXY Hardeners

  • DDM MDA Polyisocyanates
  • Aliphatic Amines
  • Base Anhydrides
  • TGIC (triglyceride isocyanates)

NEUTRALENE RG 30P is an excellent diluent and cleaning agent for tools and paint application and rinsing equipment, including circulating solvent-based paints.

  • Natural driers
  • Cellulosics
  • Rubber
  • Vinyl
  • Acrylic
  • Polyester
  • Phenolics (resoles)
  • Aminoplasts
  • Polycarbamides
  • 2 K epoxides (2 components)
  • 2 K polyurethanes (2 components)


1000L IBC

200L Drum

20L Pail

Physical Properties

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