Neutralene Infinity


Neutralene Infinity is a new generation solvent designed to replace NMP and NEP.  It is guaranteed to be free of chlorinated, hazardous, harmful, irritating, or sensitising substances.

Notes on NMP / NEP

Note that both NMP (N, Methyl,2, Pyrrolidone) CAS 872-50-4, and NEP (N, Ethyl,2, Pyrrolidone) CAS 2687-91-4 have been classified according to CLP Regulation CE 1272/2008 / SGH

Reprotoxic CMR.

  • H 360 D May harm the foetus
  • H 319 Causes serious eye irritation
  • H 315 Causes skin irritation

Neutralene Infinity with a flash point of 950C is considered non-flammable, and is recyclable by distillation to reduce volume consumption.  Use by low steam pressure further reduces consumption and increases performance.

Neutralene Infinity was developed as part of the removal of CMR solvents. It is also part of the plan to reduce warning diagrams for improved health, environmental and fire safety. Low odour, low evaporation loss, high dissolving power of polymers, co-polymers and composites.  It is a solvent, dissolvent, powerful stripping agent for varnishes, solvent-based paints, polymers, copolymers, composites, as well as residues of internal combustion engines.

INFINITY instantly dilutes fresh foamed polyurethane foams. It also eliminates polymerised PU foams, flexible or rigid, by simple contact, then wiping, or with water under high pressure.


Neutralene INFINITY removes most polymers and copolymers and acts as a stripper, solvent or cleaning agent.  It is used pure, by wiping with a cloth or immersion bath.

Substrate cleaning speeds can be accelerated in hot baths up to 70°C.

Neutralene INFINITY soaking allows to dissolution of polymerized anaerobic adhesives and resins used in chemical fixation


1000L IBC

200L Drum

20L Pail

Physical Properties

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